video course
This is a comprehensive course designed to guide you step by step through the process of becoming skilled at the use of Nonviolent Communication. It consists of 40 videos, an ebook, an audiobook, pdf resources, advance access to podcast episodes and some helpful downloadable content.
This course will teach you the fundamental concepts, nuances, and common pitfalls that occur when attempting to use NVC in the real world. Each module will be followed by questions to make sure the essential concepts are fully grasped. This course is hosted on Teachable at ARTOFNVC.TEACHABLE.COM
online NVC video course
Practice Group
The main focus of this group is to give participants time practicing NVC and Emergency Empathy in various scenarios with a partner. This allows students to experience how it feels to use NVC in dynamic situations using proper technique. In my experience, this is the most effective way to speed up the learning process on the journey to seamlessly using NVC in your daily life, creating deeper connections and avoiding needless arguments.
This service is now offered through patreon.com/artofnvc
next practice is
Sun MARCH 30, 1-2 pm CT


A short handbook designed to help you communicate with more authenticity, clarity, and empathy while in the midst of a conflict by using the principles of NVC. It will show you the most common pitfalls I come across while teaching and how to help avoid them. This book can help you speak with 100% authenticity without judging, blaming, or condemning anyone. Using the tools and strategies outlined in this book you will soon be able to turn every conflict into a deeper, more profound connection. Available in audiobook, Ebook, and paperback.